New York Road Runners Office: spaces to represent and inspire an evolving running organization

Mock-up of actual design displayed at New York Road Runners headquarters. The RUN directive is comprised of NYRR's core values. The goal was to inspire and unify the core values with the directive to run.

Word cloud displayed in NYRR office, showing most common words employees used to describe their company in a survey.

Accent walls designed for NYRR conference rooms, which both reflect and are named after the boroughs and parks of New York City. My goal was to capture the essence of NYRR and NYC's boroughs, and bring them to life in an energizing way. Above, left photo shows the Brooklyn and Queens conference rooms. These were adjacent rooms with a modular wall that could connect them. Right photo shows the NYRR room, used as the board room, which captures NYRR and NYC as a whole.

Above is a fully functional clock made of sneakers, hand/gear mechanisms, and adhesive vinyl lettering.

Marquee wall bringing our core values to life, made of adhesive vinyl. Finished product and artwork above.
NYRR Running Annex: a customer-facing space serving thousands of NYC runners

Long wall is a cut vinyl photoband spliced with roll-on dry erase boards where runners can write in what inspires them to run. Hung at NYRR Running Annex, the customer-facing center for runner services. I designed the entire space.
NYRR Warehouse: inspiring the teams of every space

Designs were a collaboration with a team. All photos shown on New York Road Runners portfolio items are property of New York Road Runners. Brand guidelines formulated by Doublespace and NYRR.